Paulownia (Latin Paulowania), or Adam’s tree or the Tree of Life (Japan, Kiri). The Paulownia is a subgroup of the Paulownia family. It contains over 20 species that have the same characteristics. All of them are referred to as Paulownia collectively. Some of these include the common names of Paulownia and P. australis, P. catalpifolia, P. coreana, P. duclouxii, P. elongate, P. fargesii, P. fortune, P. glabrata, P. grandifolia, P. imperialis, P. kawakamii, P. lilacina, P. longifolia, P. meridionalis, P. Mikado, P. recurva, P. rehderiana, P. shensiensis, P. silvestrii, P. taiwaniana, P. thyrsoidea, P. tomentosa, P. viscose.
Paulownia has large leaves with a magnificent crown. It can grow up to 30 meters high and has a diameter of about 1 meter. It is best suited to moist, moderately fertile, and heavily drained soils.