королева Нидерландов


Paulownia is a unique tree species that has no analogues in the world. The tree comes from China. It’s believed that the use of this tree dates back to ancient times. It is known in Japan as Kiri, which means “life in Japanese.”

In 1823, Philip Franz von Siebold, a naturalist from Germany, came to Japan with the seeds of the beautiful Kiri. He named it after the Queen of the Netherlands, nee Romanova, Anna Pavlovna.The name Anna was not possible since this plant already existed. Instead, it was decided to use the name Paulownia in accordance with European way.

Anna Pavlovna was a naturalist who helped a German author finance his trip to Southeast Asia. She and Josef Zucca then published a book about the tr

Paulownia is grown in China on an area of about 2.5 million hectares. It is divided into various rows and crops are planted.

You probably seen the Paulownia in a park or along a street. Although it has a graceful appearance, it also has various useful qualities.

Japan. Kiri


Paulownia (Latin Paulowania), or Adam’s tree or the Tree of Life (Japan, Kiri). The Paulownia is a subgroup of the Paulownia family. It contains over 20 species that have the same characteristics. All of them are referred to as Paulownia collectively. Some of these include the common names of Paulownia and P. australis, P. catalpifolia, P. coreana, P. duclouxii, P. elongate, P. fargesii, P. fortune, P. glabrata, P. grandifolia, P. imperialis, P. kawakamii, P. lilacina, P. longifolia, P. meridionalis, P. Mikado, P. recurva, P. rehderiana, P. shensiensis, P. silvestrii, P. taiwaniana, P. thyrsoidea, P. tomentosa, P. viscose.

Paulownia has large leaves with a magnificent crown. It can grow up to 30 meters high and has a diameter of about 1 meter. It is best suited to moist, moderately fertile, and heavily drained soils.



The most intensive growth of the Paulownia tree is observed in the first years of life. With age (starting from the 5th year), the growth slows down, and the trunk diameter increases by 1 cm annually. The width and shape of the crown: 3-6 meters, sprawling and widely rounded.

3-5 m.

1 year old tree

Trunk adds 1 cm across annually.

10-12 m.

3 year old tree

The width of the crown 3 m.

15-28 m.

High of adult tree

The width of the crown 6 m.

Paulownia’s uniqueness: Unlike other trees, Paulownia do not require re-planting. It has a life span of about 70-100 years. This means that it can endure multiple cycles and still remain productive even after being cut down.



The tree has large, fibrous leaves that can grow up to 85 cm long. They are heart-shaped or ovate and have round edges. The autumn color does not change.



The Paulownia tree's flowering season can last for up to eight weeks. It produces large flowers that are bluish-violet or almost white.


The diameter of the trunk

The circumference of a 1.5-2-year-old tree is 8-14 cm, the circumference of a 3-4 year-old tree is 20-24 cm, and the circumference of an adult 18-year-old tree is up to 80 cm.



Thin-plate, light gray, smooth, with slight cracks in adult trees.



Butterfly-shaped, 2-7 mm long, membranous, winged.

pawlovnia tannin


Paulownia tree accumulates the substance of tannin, which makes it resistant to eating by termites and wood fretters. Paulownia feels good in urban conditions.

WOOD 100%

Eco-friendliness, Strength, Softness, Fire resistance, Moisture resistance, Lightness, Resistance to deformation, insect pests and rotting.

Paulownia wood is straight grained with a bright and expressive pattern of fibers. The wood’s color is ashy yellow. It has the same beauty as expensive exotic woods.

Paulownia wood is very soft and is resistant to bending and twisting. Its high compressive strength indicates that it is used as a building material. The high density-to-mass ratio of Paulownia wood makes it a good choice for construction. Its natural light absorption makes it a good choice for staining and varnishes.

Paulownia wood is widely used in the construction of houses. Its quick drying process allows it to be quickly dried without deformation. It has a high fracture toughness and is ideal for creating various furniture pieces.